ISBN13 Softcover : 978-1-4836-4062-4
ISBN13 eBook : 978-1-4836-4063-1
Published by Xlibris
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Zack and Zuri are set to embark on the Pegasus for New
Eden, an unknown and unexplored planet four light years
from Earth. For Zack four light years isn’t nearly far enough
from the madness that has been mankind’s history. For Zuri
it is a chance to have the family she so long desired. Pegasus
is humanity’s greatest invention, a modern day Noah’s Ark,
set to spread civilization to the stars. But Pegasus has secrets
which some will do anything to possess, and Zack and Zuri
has yet to discover. A journey to New Eden is an emotional
roller coaster that will take the pair to the depths of despair,
launch them beyond heavenly delights, and into the heart
and soul of humanity.
By taking both the good and bad of automation and adding a
dose of realism a world is built that is very real and
frightening, yet with an underlying current of hope for a
brighter future. The blend of religion, technology, and raw
emotion to deliver a vision of what could be waiting for us
around the next corner, the next year, and the next big
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